Along with eight unique warlord archetypes, the upcoming castle sim sequel Stronghold: Warlords from Firefly Studios will feature four fully realised opponents in the form of historical AI Lords. Ranging from 300 BC China through to the 16th century, these figures live up to the game’s title in their unique castle designs, army composition, tactics and taunts. From ancient Vietnam to the founding of the Tokugawa Shogunate, please meet the AI of Warlords:Watch the new Firefly Studios dev diary

Brought to you from the humble abode of Firefly Studios’ Marketing Director, Nick Tannahill hosts a final lockdown developer diary walking players through the characteristics of Warlords’ four main characters. Featured in the game’s 31 mission single-player campaign, but also available to select or fight against in skirmish mode and online multiplayer, Warlords’ main cast are legendary figures in their respective nations and formidable opponents on the virtual battlefield.Today’s dev diary aims to explore their battlefield prowess, particular tactics and quirks as AI opponents, providing a detailed look at some of the challenging strategies players will be facing at launch on March 9th.

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